Field Study #6

Date & Time: 11/29/17, 4:40 p.m.

Length of Day: 9 hours and 17 minutes

Sunrise - 7:54 a.m.
Sunset - 5:11 p.m.

Temperature: 45˚F

Type of Weather: It was chilly, but not freezing. In the sky, there were no clouds, and it was completely clear. The waves were not very big. There was also a slight breeze in the air.

Changes Spotted: 
I think that one of the biggest changes that I spotted was the amount of dune grass that had died or dried out. It had almost all turned yellow. Also, in the woods off to the left, the leaves were more red colored than last time. I also didn't hear any insects making any noise. I also noticed that in the woods some branches had fallen off of the trees, possibly from some of the storms that we have had in the past couple of weeks.

Organisms smelled, felt, heard, etc. - 
I saw dying dune grass, and I also saw some leaves on the ground. I heard a bird chirp in the distance. I also heard the waves, and there were actually more dead leaves on the ground than last time. It was sunny, but bitter. I felt sand in my boots. There wasn't anything that I could really smell other than the cold air. Overall, everything was very quiet and there wasn't really anything to listen for. Everything seemed like it was shutting down from the cold weather.

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